Defaulting rules in Order Management

It is not necessary for the user to remember all the information while entering the order. It is just enough to remember the customer number (say) and all the other customer related data will be defaulted. Oracle has provided this feature with the defaulting rules setup.

        Defaulting refers to the supply of a value for a field that has no value.
        You can create and modify defaulting rules to improve the efficiency and accuracy with which you enter orders.

        You can define the rules to determine the source and prioritization for defaulting order information to reduce the amount of information you must enter manually in the Sales Order window.
        Seeded defaulting rules can be disabled, but not modified.

Query entities and attributes:
1.    Navigate to the Defaulting Setup - Entity Attributes window.
2.    Application: The Application field displays the application context for the entity displayed.
3.    Entity: The Entity field displays the name of the object for which defaulting rules and conditions are being defined such as the order line. For Order Management you have the following options:
        Order Header
        Order Line
        Sales Agreement Header
        Sales Agreement Line
        Order Payment
        Line Payment
4.    The Defaulting Sequence field enables a user to assign the sequence (priority) number in which this attribute should be defaulted.
5.    The Attribute field stores the name of available attributes. Values are currently displayed based upon the entity selected.
6.    The “Include in Building Defaulting Conditions” check box indicates whether an attribute can be used in defining conditions for the entity selected. This check box is for display purposes only, and is non-updateable.
7.    Save your work.

Define defaulting rules:
1.    Navigate to the Attribute Defaulting Rules window.
2.    Enter a value in the Precedence field to determine the precedence when resolving multiple TRUE defaulting conditions.
3.    Select a Defaulting Condition from the List of Values and then enter the defaulting rules to be used if this defaulting condition is TRUE.
4.    Select the Enable check box if you wish to enable the defaulting condition. If this check box is not selected, the defaulting condition is disabled and the rules and condition associated with this condition are not used in default possessing.
5.    The check box for the field Seeded cannot be updated. This value is seeded by Order Management. For seeded Order Management defaulting conditions, you are unable to update or delete any fields except:
• The Precedence field on the defaulting rule condition
• The Enable check box. You can disable seeded Order Management defaulting rules.
6.    Within the Default Sourcing Rules region, select the priority sequence in which you want to retrieve the default for this attribute. The defaulting process searches for a default for your attribute by evaluating defaulting rules in ascending order.
7.    Select the defaulting source type. The defaulting source type determines data entry in the Default Source/Value field.
8.    Based on the default source type selected, either select the default sources or enter default values in the Default Source/Value field.
The table below describes Order Management Source Types and the appropriate action required by a user.

Defaulting Rules Listing Report: This report displays the defaulting rules you have defined for various objects and attributes in Order Management. This listing includes objects, conditions, attributes and seeded data.

If defaulting rules or conditions are updated, the Defaulting Generator concurrent program must be run to generate new defaulting packages.
        If you update an existing defaulting rule or condition from within the Defaulting Rules window and the update is saved, a pop up window will display a note reminding you to submit the Defaulting Generator concurrent program.
        Choose to submit the program by selecting Defaulting Generator from the Tools menu while within the Defaulting Rules window, or from the Order Management SRS window.
        To generate the Defaulting Generator concurrent program for an entity, you must go to the Requests form and select your entity.

Order Management Source Types and Actions
Source Type                                     Action required
Constant Value                   Enter the default constant value.
Application Profile               Select the profile option from where you want to retrieve the default value.
Same Record                     Select the attribute on the same record from where you want to retrieve the default value.
Related Record                  Object->Select the related object. Attribute->Select the attribute on the related object from where you want to retrieve the default value.
System Variable                 Expression--Enter the system expression to be evaluated to obtain the default value. (E.g. System Date.)
PL/SQL API                        You can write a custom API to obtain a default value if the value cannot be obtained using other source types such as, the default order number from a sequence.
WAD                                Attribute
WAD                                Object Attribute