Oracle Apps 4 Beginners: Introduction to Oracle Apps - 5

APPS Schema
Schema is a physical location in the database which holds the same set of database objects.

The APPS schema has access to the complete Oracle E-Business Suite data model. It is analogous to the SYSTEM schema, which has access to the entire database. Oracle Applications responsibilities connect to an APPS schema and the environment variable FNDNAM is set to the name of the APPS schema.

APPS and Base Product Schemas
All data objects for a product are owned by a schema for that product, known as a base product schema. One schema, called APPS, owns all the code objects for the Oracle E-Business Suite, and has access to all data objects. There is one APPS schema for every product installation group.

The following code objects are installed in the APPS schema:
• Packages
• Procedures
• Functions
• Triggers
• Views
• Materialized views
• Java classes
• Queues

The following objects are installed in the base product schemas:
• Tables
• Sequences
• Indexes
• Constraints
• Queues

In addition, there are grants from the tables and sequences to the APPS schema, as well as synonyms from the APPS schema to those objects.

APPS Schema Benefits
The APPS schema improves the reliability of and reduces the time needed for installation, upgrade, and patching by eliminating the need for cross-product grants and synonyms. Utilizing a single schema that has access to all objects eliminates cross-product dependencies, and creates a hub-and-spokes access model rather than a spider's web.
Custom Schema Access
In some circumstances, you may wish to create a schema that has limited or read-only access to Oracle Applications data.

Warning: Since the APPS schema has all privileges to all Oracle Applications objects, you should never give users direct access to this schema. You will need to grant access on objects to the user schema from the base product schema.

Note: You may need to re-grant access if the underlying object is dropped and recreated.